Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How do I lose belly fat?

This is easily the number one question I hear. And for good reason too. The "health" industry is saturated with quick-fix gizmos and diets that prey on the needy. They are a multi-billion dollar industry because for some reason people keep falling for the same tricks packaged in brighter colours. This problem isn't helped by the overpowering marketing for junk foods and sugar drinks that have combined with a recent decrease in daily physical activity and attributed to a nation-wide obesity epidemic.

Let’s get back to the question at hand. Yes, there are quicker, easier ways to lose belly fat these days, but they usually involve invasive surgery or drugs where you should be monitored by a doctor if you are taking them. These methods should only be reserved for those who are morbidly obese and literally need the “quick-fix”.

For the rest of us, the ONLY healthy option is a lifestyle change. Don’t look so surprised. It’s time to own the fact that you alone control how you treat your body, and bodies are machines that need fuel (nourishment) and movement to stay healthy and happy. I’m going to attempt to keep this simple: Exercise more and eat less, more nutrient dense, foods. Let’s tackle these separately.

Food: There are a lot of different opinions on food and diets. Regardless of if you are a vegetarian, vegan, carnivore, raw, organic only, or whatever else, there are important principles to be aware of when choosing nourishment. Here are some quick tips:

1) Drink more water – water is necessary for survival and can help curb your appetite if you overeat.

2) Say no to sugar – refined sugars are everywhere and offer you no nutritional value except extra calories. Do you really need to drink that can of pop?

3) Stay away from processed foods - processed/packaged foods typically have a lot of added salt and chemicals. If you can’t read the ingredients, then chances are your body won’t be thanking you for eating it.

Consult a registered dietitian for more information on creating a healthy eating plan for you with your specific needs.

Exercise: You need to move every day – no excuses! The Canada Physical Activity Guide recommends a minimum 1 hour per day of exercise for kids and at least 30 minutes per day of moderate to intense exercise for adults just to maintain health. Here are some tips to get you started:

1) Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
2) Go for a walk everyday (even better if you have a friend to go with).
3) Park at the first parking spot you see when going to the grocery store/bank/mall… if you get stressed out in parking lots the way I do then by doing this you are helping yourself two-fold.
4) Join a fitness class with a friend (find an instructor that is stimulating and motivating).

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