Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A warm welcome

I would like to be the first to welcome you to Church of Fitness - a blog aimed at providing health and wellness tips, and a place where collaboration and exploration can happen. Don't let the name fool you. This is not a conventional church, but a place where like-minded individuals can come together and inspire each other. And it is not all about fitness, but rather a celebration of the elements that feed your mind, body, and soul.. My motivation for starting this blog came as the result of a two pronged attack: the realization that I have been a resource on health and fitness related topics for my friends for many years, and the blessing of having time to write at this moment in my life.

Like so many others are experiencing, the journey to finding fulfilling work in life is a monumental, and certainly not a linear, task. At the age of 27, I have managed to rack up 2 Bachelor degrees (Kinesiology and Education), a certificate in Health and Fitness, certifications in Weight Training, Group Fitness, Personal Training, and Teaching (K-12), worked over 10 part-time and full-time jobs since I was 15 years old, and am currently working 2 mind-numbing part-time jobs and 3 sporadic contract jobs, and I still can't afford to move out of my parents basement.

My story has been echoed by many and is by no means a plea for pity. I write about my work situation in order to demonstrate that as much as we like to identify our self-worth with our career, we are doing ourselves a disservice. Like many others, I'm struggling to find a fulfilling career that will offer me financial security and give me a title I can be proud of. To all those who share my experience, it is important to remember that even though this is a goal that hasn't been reached yet, the lack of a career title on your resume doesn't change who you are, what you know, and what you can offer to this world.

I'm not going to pretend I have all the answers (as they say - the more you know, the more you realize you don't know), but what I offer to you now is a place to ponder the unknown, explore your capabilities, and grow as a whole person (not just as a teacher, police officer, receptionist, millwright, student, or whatever other title you've given to yourself).

I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

With open eyes and an open heart,

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