Thursday, January 19, 2012

5 Practices of Self-Care

I'm currently reading Robin Sharma's book The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO. I know I've already posted some of his wonderful insights on the 10 Rituals of Radiant Living, but this has really resonated with me and I want to share my thoughts about it with you.

Love is a strange word. We all have our different definitions for it based on our experiences in life. We can love other people, love nature, love material things, and most importantly, we can love ourself. I am guilty of being very critical of myself as I'm sure many of you are. And I'm also occationally guilty of mistreating myself by not getting enough sleep, not eating nourishing food, not resting when my body needs it, not moving when my body needs it, spending too much time in front of the TV, and telling myself "I can't",just to name a few. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you know anyone who can honestly say they take truly care of themselves all the time?

Can you imagine how spectacular our lives would be if we loved ourselves as much as we love others? Here are some practices of self-care to get you started:

1. Simplify your life - Eliminate the complexities that bog you down and waste your time. Distractions, excessive TV and internet browsing (not including this blog!) shouldn't be priorities. Although setting goals and planning out your daily schedule is important, it is also important to have time where you can free flow and be spontaneous to truly experience life in the moment.

2. Journal - Let your inner dialogue flow onto the paper. Write down your goals, your fears, your joys, and your blessings.

Questions to ask yourself each morning:
1)How would I live out this day if I knew it was my last?
2)What do I have to be grateful for?
3)What's one thing I can do today to help make my life extraordinary?
4)What can I do to make today incredibly fun?
5)How can I help someone today?

3. Daily period of peace - Taking time to be alone in silence every day let's truly hear your own voice and take a time out of the hustle and bustle of the world around you.

4. Commune with nature - We are all connected to and depend on the environment. Spend time being surrounded by the power the Earth provides. It's incredible how our human problems seem so insignificant when you are standing next to the vast ocean or looking up at the universe of stars.

5. Nurture your body - Exercise, eat well, get a a massage, and relax.
"Those who don't make time for exercise must eventually make time for illness."
"Eating well is a mark of self-respect and self-love."


  1. Great tips Ally (and pictures- rawr!) I've done a little post on you - check it out at :)

    1. Why thank you, Nina! Next time I need an outstanding reference I'll know who to ask ;)
