Thursday, January 5, 2012

Radiant Living

Welcome to 2012! Are you where you want to be?

I can honestly say I'm no where near where I thought I'd be at this point in my life. But luckily, "it doesn't matter where you start, it matters where you end up", and "today is the first day of the rest of your life." Last night I gave a New Years presentation to a lovely group of women based loosely around the 10 Rituals of Radiant Living by Robin Sharma (author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari). We had a wonderful time exploring these rituals as a means of bringing more health, happiness, and fulfillment in our lives daily. I hope you do too.

1. Solitude - Having a place to be alone.

2. Physicality - Your body is a temple; treat it that way.
3. Live Nourishment - You are what you eat.

4. Abundant Knowledge - Be a student of life. Try not to live your life bound by the shackles of schedule. Instead focus on those things that your conscience and your heart tell you to do.

5. Personal Reflection - Know who you are, where you are, and where you want to go.
6. Early Awakening - There really is magic in the early morning.

7. Music - Sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching.

8. Spoken Word -
your thoughts become your words,
your words become your actions,
  your actions become your habits,
  your habits become your character,
  your character becomes your destiny.

9. Congruent Character
10. Simplicity

Being happy and achieving your goals really is a simple task, although not always easy. All you have to do is ACT. So get off your butt, move away from your computer, and dance to your favourite song, write in your journal, make a delicious snack, say one thing you love about yourself out loud, or call a friend and plan an early morning adventure. Make 2012 a year to be proud of and start right now.

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